Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Console Table Finished!

Yesterday I posted my console table almost complete.  Last night I was able to get it all glazed and put in the bathroom.

Here is the table before I glazed it:

 I used Valspar's Antiquing Glaze over the aqua color paint (don't remember the name of the color of the paint....).  I used the dry brush technique as I read a lot of people preferred that method over the damp rag the bottle suggests.  I brushed the glaze on in small amounts, the wiped it off.

Here is the table after it  was glazed:

As you can see, the glaze gives it an old/dirty look.  The table before glazing was very beachy and bright, which I liked, but not the look I was going for in my bathroom.

Here it is in the bathroom. Yes, definitely needs items on it.  I'll work on getting those this week.  

Overall, I'm pretty pleased with it.  It adds color I was needing in the bathroom and is a start to making the room look a little more finished.  And it beats the huge fake palm tree I had in the corner that got in my way every time we got out of the shower.

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