Monday, March 5, 2012

DIY Ruffle Curtains

I have had curtains in my bedroom for quite some time that I just did not like, no matter how hard I tried.  They were nice curtains, just didn't look right.  So, since I've made this discovery of ruffle fabric, I decided why not use it for curtains!  If you haven't seen ruffle fabric, it's really pretty.  It can be a little tricky to sew as the ruffles like to move around and try to get in your way of cutting and sewing (and I never want to take the time to pin them back).  I purchased ivory 2" ruffle fabric from  This stuff is so pretty and would make an gorgeous wedding dress!  I told my daughter I was making a dress for my windows. :)  Anyway, I sewed a pocket at the top (lined it so it wouldn't sag) and that was it!  The fabric needs no hemming and the sides didn't even need finishing.  Here's the finished project that took just about 1 hour tops to complete.

From looking at the pics above, I either have quite a bit of dust floating around (very possible!) or have quite a few ghostly orbs in the house!

Now I need to either cut the curtain rod a bit so it's not so long or move the holders to be wider.  I hate making more holes in the wall, but that would look the best.

There's still much to do in the bedroom to get it looking the way I want, but I feel like I'm making progress.  Next step will be to get rid of the big TV in the corner, but I'm so cheap, I hate to throw it out and buy new since this sucker still works.  Darn thing won't die!

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